Sustainability in the digital age: A summary of the contributions to the special issue on digital sustainability

Our special issue “Sustainability in the Digital Age” has been published in Business Strategy & the Environment. In this article we summarize the key contributions.Read more

Redefining Strategy in the Digital Age: Setting Control Points for Innovation and Growth

As we stand on the brink of a new era in business through the proliferation of digital technologies such as blockchain, generative AI, or IoT, the transition from the industrial to the digital age marks an immense shift in how companies create, deliver, and capture value.Read more

Business Models for Sustainability: A Summary of Contributions to the Special Issue in Organization & Environment

We are delighted to announce that the articles for the Special Issue "The Organizational Dynamics of Business Models for Sustainability: Discursive and Cognitive Pathways for Change" are out and have been published in the Journal of Organization & Environment's special issue.Read more